Science SCIENCE • Numbers • Probability • Causality 1.1.1 Science Science is the unsentimental analysis of the truths by which EXISTENCE is expressed. TRUTH is the subjective understanding of objective REALITY. REALITY is the overarching potential from which EXISTENCE is derived. 1.1.2 Numbers Mathematics is the language of phenomena. To speak in numbers, as a finite being, is to converse with the eternal. 1.1.3 Probability Any event is proven to be possible if a similar event has taken place before; if it HAS happened it CAN happen. Similarly, IMPOSSIBLE events have not ever and will never happen under any circumstances. Therefore, those things that appear, by virtue of our limited knowledge, to be miraculous, must instead be within a range of naturally occurring phenomena from which we can benefit ahead of understanding their mechanism. 1.1.4 Causality Everything that comes into existence, abides in a temporary, transitional state between its antecedent events and its fluctuating future destiny. Nothing exists without there being a reason for its existence. Having come into existence, nothing ceases to exist without there being a reason for its dissolution. |
Copyright 2013-2024 By Gerald (Jawaria) Robinson and 8 WALLS CONCEPT LAB